Kidult T-shirt Give Away at Hermès London Ends in a Riot Van

Kidult & crew were in London today to hand out free T-shirts to those people who had turned up to the rendezvous point outside Hermes on New Bond Street.  A group of 30+ people had already assembled in anticipation & this appeared to have alerted the store to the fact that something was going on.

Within what seemed like seconds of Kidult arriving the police appeared and quickly brought the sharing to an abrupt end whilst uttering the words ‘You are suspected of having stolen goods’.

Kidult was moved away from the group and promptly searched whilst the crowd, which was growing by the minute, looked on.

He was then moved to a riot van where his belongings were searched through by the police whilst questioning continued.  The crowd waited by as yet another riot van arrived with even more police.  Amazing that this sort of resource is available to prevent the distribution of free T-shirts, we can all sleep safely at night.

Kidult was released without charge around 1730 some 2 hours later & told by the police to stay away from Westminster!

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